Friday Reading: The New Ice Age Resets The South
The snowstorm that halted regions in four states isn't getting any coverage by the mainstream media or your favorite blue checker.
While the hysterical blue-checkers and influencers on social media pick apart Larry Ellison and Sam Altman, and scream and holler about the Trump Administration supporting mRNA vaccines being taught by AI to detect pre-cancer, I have been trapped in my home since Tuesday, experiencing the second lockdown of my life. And I am not alone. Hundreds of thousands of residents, business owners, lawmakers, industry leaders, working class, elderly and children have also experienced this same lockdown.
This experience has reminded me that the mundane will always be ignored in favor of the salacious and the absurd. Sam Altman and Larry Ellison are placed out in front for the influencers on social media to pick apart and run down rabbit holes of nonsense and gibberish in the same way Bill Gates was. It’s the exact same playbook, wasting time throwing virtual pies in the faces of billionaires while the real issues go ignored. These ineffective parrots and useful agents, or idiots, designed by the tech establishment live all over Twitter, Facebook, Instagram, TikTok and even some of the lesser known platforms like Rumble and Truth Social.
So here I am, the only one, once again talking about the thing that actually matters.
Today. Right now.
As of today, Thursday, January 23, 2025 all major highways leading out of my neighborhood are closed. No grocery stores in regions that pepper Alabama, Florida, Louisiana and Mississippi have been supplied. All supply chains have been cut off. The only thing most of the hundreds of thousands of us who have been cut off from the world do have, is heat and access to the internet. And that’s it. That’s all we have. Even if I wanted to throw on some boots and trudge through the snow to go get some lunch at my local diner, or even hit a Waffle House, because the roads are closed and that’s the only way I could get there, I can’t. I can’t because all diners, restaurants, grocery stores, gas stations, cafes, gyms, community centers, shops, Big Box stores like Target or Wal-Mart or Lowe’s or Home Depot are closed. Well, maybe the Waffle House is open.
Billions of dollars worth of business and what makes this region of the country sustain itself has come to a crashing halt. This will have a lasting and devastating effect on the South.
Since Monday was a holiday, we haven’t had any mail delivery since last Saturday. It’s now Thursday and I have not seen our mailman since last Saturday. None of the delivery services are running either. No Amazon, no UPS, no FedEx, no DHL.
And of course no Uber and no Lyft.
When a region, or multiple regions, have been slammed down and their capacity to run businesses from the small family owned coffee shop or little boutique store on the corner, or the community run hardware store, to the larger corporate stores have been closed for about a week solid, it takes months if not years, to recover from the loss. Billions of dollars in revenue and the supply and demand system that feeds our markets and our way of life has been interrupted. They have been slammed shut and this will have a devastating impact on economies in the long run.
The South, in essence, is going through a massive Great Reset and not one god damn person is talking about it and describing it as it is.
The resetters use weather warfare programs to devastate economies and reduce quality of life in order to replace the old life with whatever new life they want to install. It’s typically to build out infrastructure no one wanted. Or to build out toxic machinery or plants that no one wanted. Or to install infrastructure like mines or warehouses that house toxic batteries, which no one wanted. Using weather warfare to roll over and flatten the people who are openly telling the resetters that they don’t want whatever is planned, is a way to kill, silence and shut down any descent. We know this. I am not telling you anything you don’t already know.
We saw this with Katrina, which the South is still recovering from 20 years later. We saw this with Hurricane Helene where properties have been disappeared, houses were pushed by terrifying and deadly mudslides down-river and destroyed. And even if they did manage to survive the Great Flood of Appalachia, they were condemned and now people are now living in the hollers of freezing Appalachia in tents, when they once had housing. Politically, Helene has also changed property lines and county zoning which allows for non-devastated regions to qualify for government assistance while the devastated regions and the people in them are left with nothing. These weaponized weather programs can change the political landscape, in other words, as well as the actual landscape on which we stand.
The timing of Winter Snowstorm Enzo is coordinated and absolutely done on purpose. It tracks wirh the Trump Inauguration needing to be indoors. Weather warfare programs aren’t an exact science, so this should come as no surprise.
I mentioned the timing of this unbelievable winter freeze that has engulfed a part of the country that simply doesn’t get snow. I sit in this frozen tundra today alienated from my sense of reality. The entire spectacle seems surreal, no it actually seems unreal; and matches the absurd yet frank surrealism of my dreams. We’re living in a dream we never asked for. We moved here to get away from the snow, after a brief stint in Pittsburgh. And now we are here, trapped inside our house just minutes from the beach, watching the snow pile up over the sand that typically scatters among the eight live oaks that surround our property. This simply doesn’t feel real, and I keep blinking wondering when it’s going to go away.
The cold is brutal. You would think because it’s rare, and a once in three lifetimes event, that the cold wouldn’t reach the depths that it has. My joints, muscles and bones feel like they are being seared in half. I do have an autoimmune illness and take great care through aqua fit classes, warm water treatments and various other natural or homeopathic treatments, I can typically keep the pain at bay and work on my range of motion. But today, with each movement the pain is shooting mercilessly throughout my body. I can honestly say I’ve felt nothing like this. Whatever is in this weather, whatever has been sprinkled into this atmosphere without our consent, whatever elements or metals have crystallized in the dampness or the snow was designed to kill me or at the very least greatly reduce my quality of life.
I know I am not personally targeted but I feel personally targeted, especially as I watch my neighbors who don’t struggle with autoimmune illness or chronic inflammation and pain running around making snow angels, doing donuts with their bicycles and having the time of their life in this rare, extraordinary weather event.
I don’t know if you recall but I’ve mentioned in various broadcasts, blog pieces and podcasts with my husband that the way we are governed, or managed, permanently and the way state’s economies function is through a State of Emergency. All four governors, Ivey (Alabama) DeSantis (Florida), Landry (Louisiana) and Reeves (Mississippi) have issued a State of Emergency and this means a funding stream is opened and that’s how our services and agencies can continue. Through interstate compact regions, and the states within those regions, governors will source of funding toward emergency situations and decide where the bulk of the funding will go. No longer is Mississippi just for Mississippi’s sake. Mississippi shares an interest in Alabama, Louisiana and Florida and maybe even a handful of other southern states in the compact.
My suspicion is that the reason why interstate compacts are how the country is managed and now why the country is referred to as regions, as opposed to individual States, is because certain systems needed a time out so to speak so that a bigger funding project in that particular region could move forward and have more access to more funding. What better way to halt necessary systems and quality of life amenities than cut off the cost of those amenities or necessary components of life: like mail delivery, access to open roads, access to basic shopping necessities, schools and hospitals than unleash something like Winter Storm Enzo to force it all to a crashing halt?
Except this time I think Winter Storm Enzo was unleashed on all four states within this Southern Region in order to put one of the largest, most daring projects to a halt. Perhaps this project will move forward anyway, but I imagine for now the funding for the region must be allocated to take care of alleged emergency situations as a result of Enzo, whether those emergencies exist or not.
The project, called the Maurepas Swamp Project, has been approved and $130 million in funding was, or possibly still is, scheduled to begin for its construction, in addition to an earlier $14 million to support planning, engineering, and design. The Maurepas Swamp Project is one of the two largest projects the RESTORE Council has funded to date, the other being the Houma Navigation Canal Lock in Terrebonne Parish, Louisiana.
What this project entails is a 2,000 cubic feet per second freshwater diversion located on the East Bank of the Mississippi River in St. John the Baptist Parish, just west of Garyville, LA. The project will reconnect the Mississippi River to the Maurepas Swamp and revitalize over 45,000 acres with freshwater, sediment and nutrients to nourish one of Louisiana’s largest and last remaining coastal freshwater swamps.
Essentially what the planners are doing is re-routing the Mississippi River into areas of Louisiana that have the potential to be one of the most lucrative destinations in the south.
Because the Mississippi River is the lifeblood of our nation when it comes to supplying the country with its goods, there’s always grumbling and push-back when project planners want to do anything with it at all and re-routing a portion of it to restore an eco-system and bring fresh water to the Maurepas Swamp could have the potential to impact the Father of Waters, but I personally don’t think so.
To better understand the intrinsic value and power the Mississippi River has on our country, let’s watch this 7 minute clip from a 40 minute video I downloaded.
The original video lives here if you’d like to go back and watch the whole thing:
Now that you’ve seen the 7-minute video above and you understand how much better life would be if the Mississippi River were used as a source of transportation, as opposed to railway systems, or more infrastructure for highways, perhaps those who get paid to upgrade our infrastructure and keep our roadways safe and working were starting to feel nervous about all these projects that are centered around the Mighty Mississippi River.
With Emergency Funding in place due to Winter Storm Enzo, the stream of money will go straight into the pockets of those planners who claim we need our roads and highways tended to and perhaps these projects around the Mississippi River need to come to a halt.
But, let’s pause for a minute and think about snow. When we lived in Pittsburgh, in the middle of a dystopian City that most of you would find horrible or even call the ghetto, when the snow came it blanketed the hillsides and rooftops and made it look quaint and magical, almost storybook. But that covered the truth of blight and disrepair and abandonment and years and years of inherited trauma and dysfunction. It covered a lifetime of corruption by city, county and state officials.
So as I look out over this frozen tundra in an area that should never ever experience this biting cold, because that’s not how Mother Nature works, I wonder, “What’s being hidden? What is it are we not supposed to see?” The snow is being used to cover something up and what happens when we are all locked inside? Our minds start to wander and our curiosity gets the best of us.
If they never wanted anyone to find out what was going on or at the very least start asking the right kind of questions then they never should have locked us down in the first place. Those of us who can’t ignore our curiosity and those of us who like to take our thoughts digitally or put pen to paper are the biggest threat to the establishment because
We Describe Things.
With New Orleans at the center of all this, with New Orleans designated as the main hub for ships to head out to other parts of the country and deliver necessary goods to the country, practically since the country was established, can we now see why she was targeted with an alleged terrorist event on the very first day of the year?
That was your signal. I was paying attention. Were you?
I did mention there were other projects in Louisiana and since we are on the topic of New Orleans right now: Construction is underway on the River District near the New Orleans Ernest N. Morial Convention Center, but not everyone is happy with how the process is going. Developers say the project will transform the riverfront and bring in $1 billion a year in economic activity.
It’s always been believed that of all the Cities in our country, New Orleans should be the heartbeat of our economy and culture, not New York, but because it lies in the South and all the controversy around what the South represents, I imagine many political and manipulated events from terrorism to weather have made attempts to keep her down.
I started writing this piece early in the morning on January 23, 2025 and as I mentioned it was difficult to grasp the reality that the place we moved to a year ago to get away from snow and icy conditions is now blanketed with a brutal cold. The surreal unacceptable-to-my-reality condition has only been compounded by some devastating personal news.
My husband, the breadwinner of our household, and the only reason we can pay our mortgage, car payments, utilities, car insurance, home owners insurance, buy groceries and stay afloat has just been told his entire department has been disintegrated.
This comes just months after I lost half my income.
Not only is he out of a job but also his boss, other contractors and even full time employees who enjoyed paid vacations, paid sick time, better salary, pay raises and nice severance packages, basically all the things he does not qualify for since he was just a contractor, are also now unemployed.
We were wondering if this day would come. As you know I pay attention to signals and in February 2024, Change HealthCare told everyone they experienced a ransomware data breach and when all employees had to suddenly stop working and hand over their laptops, while still getting a paycheck of course, I knew something wasn’t right. Optum, the company my husband contracts for acquired Change HealthCare back in 2022 just a couple of months after he started his assignment with Optum. Soon after the story of the ransomware attack in February 2024 Change HealthCare suddenly changed its name to Optum Insights and a major department reorg took place. Then, towards the end of the year Vice President of United Health Group, Brian Thompson, was apparently gunned down by Luigi Mangione in downtown New York. This was the second signal that gave me pause for thought, and I knew we should pay attention since the company my husband was contracting for, Optum, is a subsidiary of United Health Group.
Whether or not the story ofthe death of “BT” (as he’s affectionately referred to by the well paid managers that blunted our lives yesterday) is true or not, the signal was clear. If you’re not part of the higher echalon in corporate America, you’re absolutely screwed out of any stability and there is no firm place to stand.
Maybe this is why the liberals pulled out a guillotine in a city square recently and directed it at Donald Trump and his cadre of billionaire Silicon Valley mob bosses.
The news of the disintegration of the department at Optum my husband worked for, and the entire team that he worked with, has only leant another level of surrealism to an already phantasmagorical weather event we are forced to accept.
Our realities are a little askew right now.
So far this year has been one uncanny event after another and now the worst, most devastating news lives very squarely in our personal midst. We have a lot of responsibility to ourselves, our lenders, our community, our ability to live in a home and to take care of our immediate needs. But it’s feeling like it’s a bit too much to bear right now, especially since this year has already presented with one tragic incident after another and as of the time of this reading, it’s only the 24th day of the year.
We have pre-paid plans to go to New Orleans, so rather than stay home and sulk we may as well go out and enjoy ourselves. We spent money months ago to experience some culture in the City and it’s all non refundable so we may as well go. The cut-throat and frosty means by which his department was neutralized will surely backfire on Optum, even if they are a nearly trillion dollar corporation.
I know the snow will melt and eventually spring will come and the sun will sustain us once again.
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In today’s broadcast there were lots of glitches, but if you’d like to lisent to the commentary and say hi to JP who joined at the end of the show, click here
Thank you.